Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Updated on March 29, 2023

Anonymous Usage

ONEW does not require any login or registration process. It is ready to use without any personal information collected or accessible by ONEW. You are anonymous to ONEW.

Data Storage

ONEW utilizes Apple's CoreData database to locally store the account and asset data you enter. If you enable iCloud sync, all your data will be encrypted and uploaded to your personal iCloud storage using Apple's provided technology. No one, including ONEW, can access your data. However, if you do not need sync and backup, you can disable iCloud sync, and your data will be stored only on your device. ONEW will not upload any data to third-party servers.

Network Requests

ONEW currently does not establish any network services, so there are no active network requests. However, certain functionalities may require network requests due to dependent services or integrated SDKs.

Third-Party SDK Usage

Firebase/Crashlytics:To enhance the stability of ONEW, we use this SDK to collect information about any issues that may occur during your usage. The collected problem information is uploaded to their servers for analysis and review by developers.

Firebase/Analytics:To improve the user experience of ONEW, we use this SDK to collect basic user usage information, such as the number of ONEW users, and device properties including OS versions and models. We do not use it to upload any of your personal data.

RevenueCat:ONEW uses the RevenueCat SDK to manage subscription services. Please refer to their Privacy Policy (opens in a new tab) for more details.